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- CyberManager 2.0
- If you are serious about Multimedia,
- Add CyberManager to your production team !
- CyberManager 2.0 is an easy to use Multimedia Viewer/Player/Manager for
- Windows.
- Image formats supported are: BMP, GIF, TIFF, TARGA, PCX, JPG, WMF, WPG,
- DCX, EPS, IMG, ICO, and RLE.
- Audio, Video, and Animation formats supported are: AVI (Video for Windows),
- FLC/FLI (animations), WAV (audio), MIDI (music), and RMI (music).
- Management features include Move, Copy, Delete, Rename,
- Create/Delete/Rename Directories, Print, Save to other formats,
- disk labeling, and attribute control.
- Search files by extension or User input.
- On-Screen Volume Control. Automatic and Manual AutoPLAY.
- View and play files at full-size or within the manager's window.
- Price: $38.00 U.S.
- For ordering information click "Registration" on CyberManager's Menu Bar.
- ***** This Demo will view BMP's and play AVI, FLC, and WAV files. *****
- CyberManager Requires
- Hardware:
- 1) At least 4MB RAM
- 2) 486-25 Mhz or greater
- 3) 640x480, 256 color or better Video Display
- 4) Optional: Sound Card PC Speaker Driver
- Software:
- 1) Windows 3.1 running in Enhanced mode.
- 2) Video for Windows Runtime (VFW) version 1.1 or greater
- (for video playback)
- 3) VBRUN300.DLL in the Windows \System directory.
- The files listed above can be found on most BBS forums.
- To find VBRUN300.DLL
- If VBRUN300.DLL is not included, browse/search your favorite BBS forum
- for VBRUN3.ZIP or VBRUN300.ZIP
- To find Video for Windows Runtime:
- Browse/search your favorite BBS for VFWRUN.ZIP or VFW11A.ZIP.
- Video for Windows must be installed before installing CyberManager 2.0.
- Optionally, if you have a sound card you already have the MCI drivers
- for WAV playback (these came with your sound card). If you don't have
- a sound card you can download a PC speaker driver for Windows from your
- favorite BBS.
- To find a PC Speaker Driver:
- Browse/search your favorite BBS for SPEAK.EXE or SPEAKR.ZIP and follow
- the installation instructions
- To install this Demo, unzip the CYBMGR.ZIP file to a floppy and install
- from your 'A' or 'B' drive. Be sure you have Video for Windows Runtime
- installed and a PC Speaker Driver (or sound card) if you want to hear
- sound.
- Warranty Disclaimer
- CyberManager is being distributed as a shareware demo and is provided
- "as is". There is no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.
- Cyber Interactive, Inc. will not be held liable for any damages, direct,
- indirect, incidental, or consequential, including any loss of profit
- arising out of or inability to use CyberManager resulting from any defect
- in the software or media, even if Cyber Interactive, Inc. has been advised
- of the possibility of such damages.
- By using CyberManager, you agree to this.
- All Terms Are Subject To Change Without Notice.
- CyberManager Is Copyright 1994-1995 by Cyber Interactive, Inc.
- CyberManager is a trademark of Cyber Interactive, Inc.
- All Rights Reserved Worldwide.